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The idea of going to a watch a video versus read a newspaper to get all the details of a major sports event was just a seed of an idea. However it was less than 10 years ago when mobile phones began to become more mainstream, and with it changes in consumer behavior have been rapidly changing ever since.

Last week Fox Sports announced it was going to an entirely video format. We are excited by this prospect of seeing other major networks following suit. With this we believe will come the broader use of data streaming and artificial intelligence to provide fact-based stats and historical information. If done in a fan-focused, engaging way this should lead to even richer more immersive game experiences for all levels of fans, players and sportscasters everywhere.

The change for Fox Sports was detailed in the following article:
“Fox Sports unveils video-only web design after announcing end of written content”. While some may see this as a loss we see it as an amazing opportunity to challenge video production and broadcasters to step up their game and enhance the fan experience with innovation and passion to deliver the best possible personalized game experience.

Author MediaOne

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