MediaOne Studios has been a buzz today since 7am getting ready for Deloitte’s live-streamed event on YouTube to discuss business ecosystems. Deloitte has been in the studio the past three days setting up and rehearsing, making sure every detail would be perfect and ready for the broadcast. We had a wonderful set constructed by Acme Scenery Company based in San Francisco.

Our control room was packed full of operators from MediaOne, Pixel Corps and Deloitte. The panelists were pacing around preparing for their debut, reviewing their note sheets getting makeup and hair perfected. The stage was finalized and then we started the first round of camera rehearsals to check the lighting and practice for the live show. I was lucky enough to be used as a meat puppet for lighting and got to sit on the set for a dry run before the experts were in. Those stage lights are hot! You have to give a lot of credit to the panelists, and even more to the production team behind the magic! Deloitte encouraged engagement from the live YouTube viewers to participate in the discussion by tagging #BusinessEcosystems. There were around 300 viewers watching live and the conversation is continuing on Twitter. Now the live stream is over it’s time to strike set and continue on with another busy day here at MediaOne Studios. We enjoyed having Deloitte in the studio and can’t wait to have them back with us soon.