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Remember when websites were just lines of text? Oh Yahoo, how we will miss you. I remember having a conversation in 1996-ish with the Assistant News Director at the TV station I was working at, dreaming of the future. Well, he couldn’t see past the text. I knew images would be coming, then video. That’s why my very first email…to myself since I didn’t know anyone else online was “that’s one small step for Dan”. In 2006, I was working on the first television show that included a live Twitter feed.

This year, Mark Zuckerberg said “video will replace the text status update”. It actually already has. It’s call Snapchat. Things advance.

MediaOne continues along that road as well. Today launches our new website. Cleaner, easier to get around, with video. There are other changes in the works for MediaOne as well. While change is not new to us…we like to ride the wave…these changes will be from within.

There are good times ahead. Stick around. We’re long past websites just being text.

Author MediaOne

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